A $122 value! Increase your 8-week Gym Gains Program by diving into your personal astrology chart to understand how you exert your energy best, how you specifically need to keep your momentum going, and how to maintain this as a lifestyle after the program is over.
By adding this 1hour Astrology readying to your 8-week Gym Gains Program, you’ll be more likely to continue your movement practice consistently after the Program ends. This significant boost in personal understanding will provide you with priceless insight and accredit validation to your habitual tendencies while learning how to love yourself for exactly who you are.
**Growth may be a side effect of this bonus offer
A $122 value! Increase your 8-week Gym Gains Program by diving into your personal astrology chart to understand how you exert your energy best, how you specifically need to keep your momentum going, and how to maintain this as a lifestyle after the program is over.
By adding this 1hour Astrology readying to your 8-week Gym Gains Program, you’ll be more likely to continue your movement practice consistently after the Program ends. This significant boost in personal understanding will provide you with priceless insight and accredit validation to your habitual tendencies while learning how to love yourself for exactly who you are.
**Growth may be a side effect of this bonus offer
A $122 value! Increase your 8-week Gym Gains Program by diving into your personal astrology chart to understand how you exert your energy best, how you specifically need to keep your momentum going, and how to maintain this as a lifestyle after the program is over.
By adding this 1hour Astrology readying to your 8-week Gym Gains Program, you’ll be more likely to continue your movement practice consistently after the Program ends. This significant boost in personal understanding will provide you with priceless insight and accredit validation to your habitual tendencies while learning how to love yourself for exactly who you are.
**Growth may be a side effect of this bonus offer
By signing up for the Conscious Alignment Method Membership, you agree to not share any information, products, or lessons to any outside individual. You agree to share and create a respectful, supportive space within the community. Any aggressive or unruly behavior will result in automatic termination of your participation in the group with no refund.
If you are paying month to month and are terminated, your payments will stop the next month from when you are terminated. EX: If you were terminated in April and had not paid for your membership, you would pay for April. In May, your payments would stop.
You agree to keep other membership students information, stories, and experiences private. You agree to keep other's membership students information, stories, and experiences confidential from outside participants.
Payment is due on the same day every month from which you paid. Ex: If you paid on the 21st of the month and selected to go month to month, you would pay your membership fee on the 21st for the following 6 months.
If you select to pay month to month, you agree to pay on the same date for the following 6 months. You are given a 3-day grace period to pay your membership fee. If you do not pay your membership fee within the 3-day grace period, you will be automatically terminated from the Conscious Alignment Method Membership. If you are paying month to month and are terminated, your payments will stop the next month from when you are terminated. EX: If you were terminated in April and had not paid for your membership, you would pay for April. In May, your payments would stop. If financial issues arise and you communicate with Isabelle and create a plan, you can avoid termination.
You are still expected to pay that months enrollment fee.