Isabelle Wellman founder of the conscious alignment method presents

the 8-week Gym Gains program

Make a life changing decision today and


 This eight-week strength training program is designed for beginner-intermediate ladies ready to follow & learn how to workout in a gym and take up space

You desire a thoughtfully crafted gym program that is easy-to-follow so you don't have to struggle with putting one together

You want to learn the basics of working out in a gym, the various “gym terms”, and how to sustain your confidence in the gym after the 8-week program

You want to work with an experienced trainer who can finally give you the answers to the questions you have about strength training as a female


“Yes! It was so much fun! Felt like a ”big girl workout" hahah. I found a comment on Truecoach from 3mos ago that I was “scared” of doing abs, awwh. I think something like today's workout would have scared me 3 months ago too, but it felt reallllyyy good

Brook D.

Strength in belief

Isabelle aspires to curate a gym experience that is effective and empowering for the everyday female. The goal for the program is to set each individual up for foundational success in their own fitness journey no matter where they are starting from.

The balance of guidance and trust is essential in the outcome of any workout program. Isabelle's dream is to show other females how easy it is to lift weights, take up space in the gym, and trust that they know exactly what they need in terms of weight and intensity for that day. Although this is a program that many can sign up for, you make it individualized with your instinct.

The 8-weeks Gym gains program starts as soon as you sign up and receive an email back from Isabelle! She will invite you to join her online platform to receive the program, as well as set up your first movement call for specific instruction.

What does the program entail?


A 1:1 with Isabelle at the beginning of the program to go over your movement patterns


Easy Access to the program through the TrueCoach platform and downloadable app


Three total 1:1 calls with Isabelle; 1st call prior to starting, 2nd call at the halfway point, 3rd call during the last week of the program


Honest, open, and encouraging communication throughout all 8 weeks


3 downloadable ebooks that support your nutritional journey along the way


x4 week gym movements (with consideration of your menstrual cycle if present)


Office hours access to Isabelle (9am - 5pm M-F)

When we join forces, you’ll look forward to..

Taking up space in the gym

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions."

You will learn how to persistently choose living a healthy & enthusiastic lifestyle with the understanding that motivation comes after showing up

Gain strength & confidence

Once the momentum begins, you'll become satisfied in how you feel about yourself and your attitude towards life. This is where choosing yourself will become an everyday habit VS a chore

Be the buzz

Be the irresistible topic of everyone's conversation, because  WHY NOT? Your extraordinary transformation will wow your close-knit circle and encourage them to learn how they can choose a healthy and enthusiastic lifestyle, too!

Once we build strength in the gym, we can take that strength everywhere we go high and low!

Did you know that..

“Females who combine strength and power training may make greater relative improvements compared to males”? - Stacy Sims, PhD

What do you have to lose? Nothing.

What do you have to gain? Everything

Isabelle Wellman

Functional Movement Specialist

Isabelle Wellman is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Small Group Trainer, 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher, and PSIA/AASI Ski and Snowboard Coach of all ages and abilities. She’s passionate about sharing her profound discovery of movement as the best natural medicine.

Her uplifting energy will keep you motivated as you move along the 8-week program, and her tenacious spirit will ensure you never feel alone. Isabelle’s been a lifelong runner, yogi, and weight-lifter who enjoys strength training, bodybuilding, and cross-fit. She's learned the magic of aligning her activities with her menstrual cycle, and is on a mission to share her knowledge with others who experience a menstrual cycle.

When she’s not in the gym, you can find Isabelle on a new adventure out in the Sierra Nevadas with her two Border Collies and partner hiking, mountain biking, bouldering, rope climbing, trail running, skiing, and snowboarding!

No matter where you are on your journey- I'm here to run with you towards your goals

Who do you want to be in a year? The choices you make now are the ones that will determine how fast or slow you get there

Your “ego” will always try and protect you by telling you that you “can't”, and I'm here to give your ego the middle finger because YOU CAN. Your potentially is waiting on the other side of fear.

I’ve always been fascinated by the human body and curious about how to feel my best day in and out. Over the past four years I've shifted my belief on what it means to show up in the gym. I've begun to include my menstrual cycle into the process, and I have a much better relationship with being an athlete with a period. I'm on a mission to share this life-changing experience and knowledge with other females so they too can become their strongest, most satisfied selves!

I feel the most alive when I am outdoors pushing myself in sport, in the gym, or in competition. I look towards doing better than I did the day before, and I want to inspire others to do the same! Our number of days on this Earth is unpredictable, so what do we have to lose? It's time to let go of limitations to TAKE UP SPACE!